CBP will begin the next stage on full enforcement for the filing of theImporter Security Filing (ISF) beginning on May 14, 2015. On that date,all penalty actions for ISF violations will be initiated in each of the localCustoms’ Ports and copies will not be sent to CBP HQ for review and approval.Also, the local Ports will not be required to issue 3 strikes before issu ing penalties for liquidated damages.
The Ports will still have flexibility in their processes that were allowed duringthe previous stage of enforcement. For example, here in Los Angeles, CBP still plans to place holds on Cargo that does not have an ISF matched to it on themanifest within 4 days of arrival.
However, Los Angeles CBP will issue penalties to continually late ISF filers. Other Ports may still issue warnings while some may just take immediate penalty action.
与此同时,各口岸在具体执行过程中还是有一定的弹性的。比方说,在洛杉矶,如果货物在ETA 4天前AMS系统还是没有收到ISF匹配的信息,海关会放一个HOLD ON 的状态(一般ISF 拿到S1之后,海关会放货)。但是,在对货物执行临时扣关(Place Hold)的同时,洛杉矶海关将对持续晚报的进口商开出罚单。有些口岸可能仍旧以警告为主,有些则马上开出罚单。